International Peak-baggers' Tables 2020


HoFMeister’s Report

Eighty-six people have been recorded for 2020 in the final version of the P600m Table (fifty-one in 2019), as well as seven deceased baggers -  four in the Hall of Fame and three in the Roll of Honour.

Bob Packard remains King of the P600-metre peaks – and with the Matterhorn as his 125th, has one of the more eye-catching milestone peaks for the Hall of Fame.  Ken Jones, joining the Hall under the Large Country Exemption (LCE), has snuck in front of Andy Martin to take second place; likewise Richard Carey, John Stolk and the fast-moving Brian Kalet have crashed into the top ten.  This year we include seven deceased baggers.  Edward Earl and Adam Helman join the top ten, Frederick Johnson and Rowland Bowker join the Hall, with Jake Robinson, Tony Watkin and Tim Hagan included in the Roll of Honour. 

Despite everything, a few baggers have posted big numbers in 2020, with Brian Kalet and Josef Nuernberger busy in the USA (a record 239 and 219 P600s respectively in a year, making good use of the LCE), and in Europe,  totals over a hundred from Rob Woodall and Deividas Valaitis.

2020 has been a good year for exploring the local patch, with Europe, USA, Canada and Indonesia seeing much activity.  The HofMeister spent three months “across the Channel” in mainland Europe.  He was greatly impressed by what’s available within a couple of days drive of home, made more accessible by good public transport links and the ubiquitous e-bike.  For those able to fit in more distant objectives around the restrictions, bagging activity has been reported from places as far afield as Central America, Tanzania, South Africa, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The first known person to qualify for the Hall is Barbara Lilley, who secured her retrospective place in 1969.  Nobody entered the Hall in 2020.  One national high point features as 125th, and Hall milestone, peak - Kinabalu 4095m, P4095m, Malaysia’s highest, for David Hart in 2016.

Twenty-five Awards have been achieved - Gold by three people, Silver by five, and Bronze by seventeen.

Rob Woodall

P600m HoFMeister

October 2021