International Peak-baggers' Tables 2020


HoFMeister’s Report

This Table is new to BwB for 2020. 

Thirty-seven people have been recorded for 2020 in the inaugural final edition of this Table.  There is no Progress Register for the P2000-metre category, and a Roll of Honour is not yet needed.

Petter Bjørstad heads the P2000m Hall of Fame, adding two peaks in 2020, with an adventurous self-drive trip to Kenya and Uganda with Adam Walker.  Rob Woodall was in Southern Africa, also later climbing peaks in Indonesia and Italy.  He posted the highest year-total (six peaks), while Steven Song and Connor McEntee added four respectively.  Mercedario was Steven's twentieth P2000m summit – he was the only person to enter the Hall of Fame in 2020.  David Hart joined Steven and Connor in the Andes, and was also busy in Africa, his year-total being three.  

In North America, Lee Newton added two Mexican peaks, with Orizaba now being his highest.  “Rockinstraw” added two peaks, in Alaska and the Caribbean.  Richard Carey added two Canary Isles peaks (politically Europe, geographically Africa).  Most of these ascents were made before the COVID-19 pandemic, or during the summer lull – but two intrepid members found legal targets as late as December!

This inaugural report arrives just too late for Doug Harris, who had a quiet year after posting an impressive eleven P2000m peaks in 2019 – but the record is held by Petter, who bagged eighteen in that same year.

The first known person to qualify for the Hall is Barbara Lilley, who secured her retrospective place in 1970.

A number of national high points feature as the twentieth P2000m, the milestone peaks for those entering the Hall.  Kilimanjaro 5895m, P5885m (Tanzania high point) features twice - Adrian Rayner in 2016 and Doug Harris in 2017.  Triglav 2864m, P2052m, Slovenia’s high point, was Graham Illing’s twentieth in 2013.  For Richard Mclellan, Austria’s Großglockner 3798m, P2428m in 2002 was a fitting Hall entry peak.  Bob Packard’s twentieth was also his home national point – Denali 6190m, P6149m – in 1990.   He was the second known entrant to the P2000m Hall.

Seventeen Awards have been achieved - Gold by two people, Silver by five, and Bronze by ten.

Rob Woodall

P2000m HoFMeister

October 2021