International Peak-baggers' Tables 2020


HoFMeister’s Report

Eighty-nine people have been recorded in the final edition of the P1000m Table for 2020 (fifty-two in 2019), as well as three deceased peak-baggers - two in the Hall of Fame and one in the Roll of Honour.

In the Hall, the most notable peak-bagging total was from Rob Woodall, who stormed into the Gold Award with an impressive 115 new P1000m peaks in 2020.  Trips to South Africa and Indonesia early in 2020, the Alps in the summer and Greece in the autumn before COVID-19 lock-downs began again finished a busy P1000m year for him.  Brian Kalet managed over sixty new peaks, all in the USA, and seven other people over twenty.  Those in the Progress Register were less active, with Oscar Argudo recording the most new peaks, with five.  

The first person to qualify for the Hall is Barbara Lilley, who secured her retrospective place in 1963.  Nobody entered the Hall in 2020.  Four people had country high points for their milestone peaks – Lee Newton, and also, strangely, Eric Gilbertson with Carrauntoohil 1039m, P1039m in Ireland, Graham Illing with  Moldoveanu 2544m, P2049m in Romania, and Adrian Rayner with Mount Kosciuszko 2228m, P2228m in Australia.

Twenty-four Awards have been achieved - Gold by two, Silver by six, and Bronze by sixteen people.

Mark Trengove

P1000m HoFMeister

October 2021