International Peak-baggers' Tables 2022


HoFMeister’s Report

One hundred and one people have been recorded for 2022 in the P100m Table (ninety-one in 2021), as well as four deceased peak-baggers.  Again, nobody was demoted this year from the Hall or Progress Register due to an insufficiency of foreign peaks.  Eight people did not make it into the 2022 Tables because they did not have enough foreign peaks to qualify.  

Much more activity can be seen in the 2022 Table, as COVID restrictions eased further across the globe.  Nearly everyone made some progress, and many a lot – nineteen people climbed over one hundred P100m peaks in 2022.  The most notable P100m bagging total was achieved by Rob Woodall, who was the only one with over 200 new peaks. 

In total, 6,235 successful ascents of P100m peaks were made in 2022 (5,471 in 2021 ), averaging fifty-four per person (and, strangely, fifty-four too in 2021).

I am pleased to welcome three new members to the P100m Hall of Fame – Steven Song, who had another very active year, BwB newcomer Craig Barlow and Mark Trengove.

Looking at the peaks that progressed people into the Hall of Fame, ones in the USA predominate, with eleven, followed by the UK with three and Ireland with two.

There were three new Awards in 2022, all Bronze, going to Adam Walker, Petter Bjørstad and BwB newcomer Daryn Dodge.  The total Awards are now Gold for one person, Silver for four, and Bronze for nine people.

 Mark Trengove

P100m HoFMeister

April 2023