International Peak-baggers' Tables 2023


HoFMeister’s Report

One hundred and thirty people have been recorded in the 2023 edition of the P1000m Table (one hundred and twenty-four in 2022), with seventy-four in the Hall of Fame and fifty-five in the Progress Register.  In addition, one deceased peak-bagger appears in the Roll of Honor.

The separate Progress Register for junior peak-baggers lists five participants, with one former entrant having “graduated” and thus moved out of this category.  No other youngsters joined the ranks in 2023. Three of the Juniors did set new personal records for highest altitude reached.

As before, progress was substantial in this P-category, with the usual suspects leading the way.  People took advantage to advance their totals, with several setting personal records for highest altitude reached. Chimborazo 6267m, P4122m, the Ecuadorian high point, was a popular choice for four people, including the writer of the current report. In addition, Mount Everest 8848m, P8848m saw two attempts from Hall of Fame members, with one successful.

Twelve people joined the Hall of Fame in 2023, exactly the same number as the year prior.  All BwB newcomers except one are from the American side of the Pond, with Joel Brewster, Steve Sheriff, Sarah Martin, Jay Dolan, Ron Bartell and Christine Mitchell bringing over a hundred peaks each. The lone European new to BwB is “Tony Montaña,” with a solid portfolio of one hundred+ Ribus. Totals for Chad Thomas and Mark Spencer were sufficient for direct Hall entry.  Working their way up from the Progress Register were “Alfred E Neuman,” Matthias Fieles and Rok Podgornik.  Their qualifying peaks are dominated by North American summits, as expected, although countries like Switzerland, Germany, Greece and Croatia are represented too.

There were a few Awards in 2023.  David Hart, Brian Kalet and Andy Martin all earned Silver by bringing their individual totals to over 300 peaks.  Bronze recipients were Craig Barlow and Michael Graupe, both of whom are now north of 150 peaks.  Hall members still have a long way to go to join Rob Woodall and Petter Bjørstad in the rarified air of the Gold award recipients.

A total of thirty-six Awards have now been achieved – two Gold, ten Silver and twenty-four Bronze.

In the Hall, the most impressive peak-bagging activity was from David Hart and Deividas Valaitis, who almost matched each other stride for stride by climbing seventy-five and seventy-three new P1000m peaks respectively.  Rob Woodall solidified his place at the top with an incredible eight hundred peaks total, sixty-nine new in 2023. Petter Bjørstad, still no slouch with fifty-six new peaks, retains second-place a comfortable distance from the rest of the list.  Other notable performers this year were Adam Walker with sixty peaks; Steven Song, Dustin Erickson and Josef Nuernberger with over forty peaks each; Craig Barlow, James Barlow and Brian Kalet with over thirty peaks; and Daryn Dodge, Chris Hood, Claudia Kurzböck, Kathy Rich, Chad Thomas and Dave Golias, all of whom added over twenty peaks.

People in the Progress Register were again less active overall, with eleven participants only adding one peak, while twenty-two participants did not add anything.  “Jude N.,” Arjan van Denzen and Joel Wilner led the way with double-digit gain numbers.  Other notables were Matthias Ihl, new participant Nicolaus Marshall and “Michel W.”  Five people, with two of the big gainers on equal totals, are now less than ten peaks away from entering the Hall of Fame.  The ranks of those retired from international peak-bagging grew to three, with the addition of the legendary Barbara Lilley.


Mihai Giurgiulescu

P1000m HoFMeister

April 2024