


International Peak-baggers' 

Halls of Fame & Progress Registers

(incorporating the P-Index League and 

Poly-baggers' Register  & Hall of Fame)

En route to Bumbag Khairkhan Uul 3470m-P1806m, Mongolia  - photo Deividas Valaitis

(released under the GNU Documentation license ( 

BwB News Headlines - for the story, see here

This website is the platform for the 

BwB International Peak-baggers' Halls of Fame, Progress Registers and Rolls of Honour.  

Every year Tables are published here, in various prominence categories, of international peak-baggers' all-time totals at the year-end, and for the year. 

From 2022 there are also P-Index League Tables.

If you are interested in joining, please contact the BwB HoFClerk, using the email address given at the bottom of this page.

There is also a discussion Group - the BwB Forum.  If you would like to join, contact the BwB HofClerk at the email address below.

This website is the platform for the BwB Journal - a compendium of articles about mountains and hills, and those who climb them.

This website also hosts the Poly-baggers' Hall of Fame and Progress Register.   A 'poly-bagger' is a person who enjoys making multiple ascents of the same hill or mountain, and keeps a record of her/his ascents. 

BwB is also on Instagram - search for 'baggerswithoutborders'


The Forum, and all the Tables, and the Journal are free to join, and to use.

For further information, and to access the Tables, see the website menu.

Note: all pictures on this website are published here by courtesy of the originator under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, unless otherwise stated.

Contact the BwB HoFClerk at bwbhofclerk'at' - you will need to replace 'at' with @ in the e-mail address.