International Peak-baggers' Tables 2023


HoFMeister’s Report


The P2000m Hall of Fame now has fifty-four members. Three are new since 2022: Alex Lennon, Mark Spencer (new to BwB) and Laura Newman.  


Petter Bjørstad has increased his lead in the Gold category, adding nineteen P2000s, putting his trip planning skills to particularly good use in the Philippines and Southern Africa. David Hart has gained a Gold award, having made excellent use of his first half-year of retirement to add twenty-one peaks across thirteen countries, joining Petter in Indonesia and Africa. 


Eric Gilbertson’s three peaks were all head-turners: Kanchenjunga (8586m, P3922m), Bazar Dyuzi 4466m, P2454m, the Azerbaijan HP, and finally Pik Ismail Samani (7495m, P3402m) to complete the prestigious Snow Leopard list. Adam Walker has leapt into Silver, with the year’s biggest total (+31), most of his peaks bagged in a single super-efficient trip to eastern Asia, joining Petter, and then Steven Song.


Steven’s total (+23) – including a battling, virus-affected ascent of Mount Everest (8849m, P8849m) has propelled him into the Bronze category; Brian Kalet (+6), Kathy Rich (+2) Craig Barlow (+5), James Barlow (+7) and Daryn Dodge (+5) are also new to Bronze.  Deividas Valaitis (+18) has had another great year, his love of new places taking him to Sao Tome, Mongolia (two “virgin” P2000s, previously unlogged on Peakbagger), and Algeria, aided and abetted by Rob Woodall (+13) on several of these trips. Dustin Erickson (+1) wasn’t content to bag Mount Adams (3471m, P2249m) the easy way – he split-boarded the SW Chutes in descent. South America continues to be a popular venue, with Mihai Giurgiulescu (+4) and Michael Graupe (+4) both noting Chimborazo (6267m, P4122m) among their highlights.


It's good to see the category taking members into new territory, as well as providing plenty of better-known peaks for a growing band of baggers. 



Rob Woodall

P2000m HoFMeister

April 2024