
League Table




Referee’s Report

This is the inaugural year for the P-Index League Tables, so the 2022 Table effectively shows the starting positions for the participants at the beginning of 2023. 

The 2023 Table will also show, from close on 31st December 2023, each participant’s:

·   increase, if any, in P-Index, and

·   increase/decrease in ranking.

These are absent from this 2022 Table, as the participants’ P-Indices at 31st December 2021 are not known.

The people in the 2022 Table (Year 1) are confined mainly to those who are participating in the 2022 BwB International Peak-baggers’ Tables.  This will change from 2023, when places will be opened up to all peak-baggers across the world who wish to register, whether they confine their activities only to their home country, or venture abroad too for their peak-bagging.

In the 2022 Table, 60% of the participants live on the continent of North America (56% in the USA), and 40% in Europe (28% in the UK).  12% of the participants self-identify as female.

As the P-Index is a combined marker of a person’s activity and focus on peaks of higher prominence, the 2022 Table generally mirrors those in the leading positions in the BwB International Tables of higher prominence (P1000m, and above).

As years pass this may change.  The age range in Division 1 is from 86 to 40, with the top five places occupied by people over 60.  Two in this Division are in their early forties, and so in a good position to increase their ranking in future years and displace the 2022 top-five.

The same holds true in Divisions 2 – 5.  There is a wide range of ages in these Divisions too, so it is likely younger active peak-baggers will rise higher in the rankings and divisional promotions, pushing down, and possibly out, the less active and/or older peak-baggers featuring in the 2022 Table.  Others too will join Division 5 as their P-Index increases.  The possible entry of an even wider range of participants will add an additional element of fluidity to the rankings in 2023.  


Mark Trengove

P-Index Referee

February 2023