International Peak-baggers' Tables 2022

P-Top 100

HoFMeisters’ Report

This is the second year that bagging totals have been collated by BwB for the World P-Top 100 - the list of the 100 most prominent mountains in the world.  The Table highlights the achievements of mountaineers who focus on these most prominent peaks.

This year, the P-Top 100 Hall of Fame has thirty-seven members – peak-baggers who have climbed more than ten listed peaks.  This is a net increase of four members compared to last year.

We have introduced a Roll of Honour this year, with one very worthy member - the Late Rowland Bowker who is no longer in the Hall, following further research on his peaks.  In the Table itself, three deceased baggers are included, as they were actively pursuing this list and achieved more than the minimum threshold of ten listed hills.

We particularly welcome the new entrants to the Hall: Markus Fischer, Casey McCoy, Craig Barlow, Deividas Valaitis and Yan-Éric Douvier.  Markus Fischer has come straight in at Bronze Level (over 20), and Deividas Valaitis has ascended the most peaks on the list in 2022, with seven.  Congratulations also go to Douglas Harris on gaining a Bronze Award.

The most notable ascent of the year was by Eric Gilbertson, who summited K2 8614m, P4020m in the Karakoram in July 2022 – a BwB member first ascent.

The top of the Table remains quite settled, with impressive numbers from Petter Bjorstad, David Hart, Bob Packard, and Rob Woodall.

Although by the end of 2022 international travel was again ‘normal’, I suspect COVID still exercised a downward pressure on over-all numbers of hills climbed, due to the uncertainty, if nothing else, at the beginning of the year.  However, already in 2023, there appear to be a good
number of high-prominence peaks being bagged.

Denise and Richard McLellan

P-Top 100 HoFMeisters

April 2023