International Peak-baggers' 

Progress Registers 2019

HoFClerk's Annual Report

Ascending Denali, Alaska, USA - photo Anthony Marra

(This picture file is licensed under the Creative Commons License)

2019 was the first year that Baggers without Borders operated, and is seen very much as an initial trial year.  A total of sixty-three people participated in the Registers for the first year, of which thirty-four are members of the BwB Forum.  This is a considerable success, since the BwB Forum only began in October 2019.  Thanks go to all who sent in their 2019 bag-totals, and to other members of the Forum who have supported the development of BwB through their online comments and feed-back.

It was decided not to open the Halls of Fame until the close of 2020.

Of the sixty-three who participated in the 2019 Registers, forty-seven were UK-resident, six in the USA, two in Canada, seven in mainland Europe and one in Asia.  These figures reflect that the initial recruitment drive was mainly among UK international peak-baggers.   In 2020, recruitment will especially concentrate on mainland Europe and the USA and Canada so that, hopefully, a wider mix of international peak-baggers are represented in the 2020 Registers and Halls of Fame.   Of course, members from anywhere else in the world are also welcome.

The 2019 Registers can be viewed by clicking on the relevant P-category in the menu, and selecting '2019'.

Mark Trengove

BwB HoFClerk

February 2020

Here are links to the 2019 Registers: