International Peak-baggers' Tables 2021


HoFMeister’s Report 

Thirty-nine people are listed for 2021 second edition of the P2000m Table, including four new entrants, and three new Awards were achieved.  Despite Covid-19 restrictions continuing to make travelling difficult, good progress was made by a few intrepid baggers.

Petter Bjørstad has extended his lead, adding three Turkish peaks to his total - which now stands at an impressive 120.  Eric Gilbertson’s two new P2000m peaks comprised two 7000m “Snow Leopard” peaks – summitting the difficult and dangerous 7438m Pik Pobeda, the highest peak in Kyrgyzstan, on the Chinese frontier, in sometimes challenging conditions, after acclimatising on Lenin Peak.

Rockinstraw” earns a Silver Award for his sixtieth P2000, achieved in fine style with six new P2000s comprising five African peaks (including the challenging Mt Stanley and Mt Kenya), plus Denali (completing his set of the Seven Summits, appropriately finishing that challenge on his home continent).  Douglas Harris also summitted Denali – a week earlier – and added the Andes’ third highest, Mercedario.

Connor McEntee earns a Bronze Award, with a trip to Greece, which included the national highpoint Olympos as his thirtieth P2000 – a fine milestone peak.  Duane Gilliland, new to the table, achieved a retrospective Bronze from 2008 when he climbed both Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa on the same trip.  Kathy Rich added no less than five P2000s (three in Hawaii and two in Wyoming), with Bronze now just two peaks away.

Peter Gram is new to the Hall, with twenty-five P2000s; all apart from Elbrus are in the Americas.  Josef Nuernberger also joins the Hall, with twenty-one peaks, having added three in 2021, including a solo ascent of Mount Rainier, and Austria’s Hochkönig.   Also entering the Hall, retrospectively in 2018, was José Martinez with 20 peaks, who is most active on the Iberian peninsula and Central/South America.


Rob Woodall

P2000m HoFMeister

July 2022