Charcoal and Ink

In class, we had to make Ink and Charcoal drawings, and we did this over a long period, While doing the project, I decided that I would pick the image that I had taken of roots of redwood for my picture. This project was the hardest one for me personally that I have done all year. I think it was hard for me because I picked a difficult image to draw and it was hard for me to really get those fine lines on my image.

The materials that I used to make this were mainly HB pencils, charcoal, and ink. The reason, I used these is that I was required to for the assignment. I tried to get a good base down of white charcoal so I could blend and add in the other pieces. I think I could have used the ink more effectively by adding in more to the background.

My favorite thing about this project was blending the background and just seeing the colors mix. The one thing I wished I had worked on more is the top corner because it is blended very poorly.