Revision Old Work Three


For this project and or revision I revised my sustained investigation number seven. The reason I went back to this previous project was that I thought I could do more what I did different this time. Was create an image that is much bigger with a lot more going on in it. I did scrap the idea of having a t-shirt in the background. Instead I just left it to be the image on its own as I thought the image itself did not require it. I used several artists this item and several different works and hid them throughout the image and they are able to be seen when looking through the crowd. My thinking is that there is so much in the work The School of Athens by Raphael that it could be interesting to have other figures and items in it. If you look through you see Munch, Singer, Redon, and Warhol and a few others.

How I created this was by editing photographs then turning them into simpler forms and images then cutting them up and simplifying them as much as I could. I cropped several and then manipulated their shadows and colors. I did this so that they would match the scenes better in the image and fit better. I mainly did this in Illustrator and did some editing in Photoshop which I then later imported over. From there I messed with masking and recoloring many different pieces of the works.

Overall I feel this work came out really well and it is definitely an improvement on the past work in the design idea. I think that I could have added a little more in the way of color and messed with them more.