Sustained Investigation Two

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Outside of class, I worked on my second sustained investigation which was featured around the idea of logos relating to air pollution and what kind of energy they produce. This project I found really fun to make and put together. The idea of this project started out kind of different I was going to make figures out of the logo but started drawing the factory for fun and then it turned into a whole new idea. The idea of which I then turned into something repersenting air pollution and the kind of energy they create.

The way I created it was digital through Illustator and took logos from online and chopped them up into different pieces in the clouds. I found that it was challenging to make the logos line up well and fit together like a puzzle piece. What I think makes this different from other work is that the logos are used to repersent the pollution and that they themselves are part of the work or theme.

My favorite part of this work was slicing the logo up and putting them in the clouds and creating a new perspective on them. I think what I could have done differently was make the sky pop out a little more and fade which I think I will do to improve it.