AP Art and Design

Semester 1 Reflection

This semester has been filled with work that I deem successful and work that I feel I could have developed further. In terms of what I completed successfully, I would say a lot of my research into fonts and my development with creating text and themes around type improved a lot. One of the most important things that I feel I did this semester was to think out my ideas. Rather than just creating an image I believed looked cool or captivating, I tried creating work that always had a story behind it.

It was pushing my work to the next step in terms of what I struggled with the most. The ideas were never the hard part; it was executing them to make the idea and thinking clear to the viewer. Something I am hoping to improve upon is my use of materials and developing a more considerable amount of materials that I feel comfortable with using. At the moment, the ones that I think are the best with are digital and paper-related artworks. Next semester, I need to push myself not to take the easy road of always going back to what is familiar and trying things that challenge me.

My artistic goals for next semester are to better combine my portfolio of works from this year and develop my material exploration. In doing this, I feel I will tell a better story through all my creations and have them better connect.