Sustained Investigation Seven


For this work, I started with an idea and concept that I had created this summer of a brand that focuses on remixing art into different forms or images. For this image, I was experimenting with simplifying the art work and trying to keep the most basic colors and form. The works I used were The White Cloud, Head Chef of the Iowas by George Catlin this image I found used very different colors and contrasted with the background image I used, which was The Scream by Edvard Munch, where I removed the main figure and kept the colors and basic background form. Both works I tried to connect The Scream represents the human condition and the anxiety that some hold. While the image of thethe White Cloud, Head Chief is something that shows strength, he meets a terrible fate later being hunted down and murdered.

The tools that I used for this design were mainly freehand pen tools on illustrator where I tried to take the basic colors from each part of the original works. When I created the images, I tried to strip them down to as basic a form that I thought would still make it obvious what the image I was using was but not make it the same form as it was before.

My favorite part of this work was finding a way to connect both arts and have the colors work together. Both of these works I spent some time researching and figuring out who the artists were and the subject meaning in both art. I think I probably could have done more with the front of the shirt but did not want the art to look crowded.