Duck Stamp


In and out of class, I worked on my duck stamp project. It is for a competition to support wildlife and promote conservation. My duck is of a King Eider, which is located in mainly Canada and North America. When creating this, I focused on the male and not the female just since the male's colors are brighter and in your face. When making this, I went for a very basic, trying to see if I can show my brushstrokes and create lines with the brush strokes.

The materials that I used were pencils and acrylic paints. I focused on really trying to mix my paints and create bold colors. The pencils I used to create a quick outline and sketch the background. I then went over in thin layers of blue and white as a base coat then went from the head down. I mainly focused on trying to make the back of the bird look like it has feathers.

My favorite part of my work was the background and head of the Eider. I just thought they came out the strongest, mainly with color and form. I wish I improved some of the layering and showed more color for the base of the duck.