Donate To Life


When creating this project, I was struggling to come up with an idea at first. I knew I wanted to do something that showed the connection between people and how someone can donate and help others. I tried to focus on using organs that are usually donated to help others and continue to live good lives. When creating this, I wanted to show the connection through lines connecting to the people who would receive the organ donation.

The way in which I created this was I traced heads which I then filled in with a black layer of paint on Illustrator. I used the pen and brush tool to create lines around the heads and the used stock images to create the organs I cropped and filled in. From there, I started layering the organs over each other in the way they would actually fit in the body. Then adding lines to connect them to the person that would receive the organ.'

My favorite part of this project was finding a way to create a simple slogan that would match my image well. I think if I were to improve it, I would focus on the background more.