Backend Integration Guide

The Garo Stations can be integrated into the eCarUp billing system in just a few steps. Once installed in your account, you can easily define the conditions of use for your stations yourself (prices, users, available times, etc.). You decide who can charge, when and at what price. 

 Integration of OCPP stations

Integration of the Garo Entity Pro

Install the Garo Connect app.

Tested version

Step 1

Follow the instructions provided step by step and scan the QR code on the back plate. 

⚠️ Important: You must be on the same network as your mobile phone and the charging station. (LAN or WLAN)

Step 2

Please ensure in the general settings that no plan for charging the car and free use is activated.

Step 3

Please select the "Third-party provider" field in the installation overview.

Step 4

Our recommendation: Select StopTransactionPnEVSideDisconnecet + UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect.

Step 5

The DeviceId can be freely selected for OCPP connections. 

For the CsmsUrl, you can add your URL from the eCarUp account.

Step 5.1

The URL can be copied and pasted one-to-one. 

Don't forget to save and restart!


With the charging station, the user can still define what it should do in the "Not connected" status. We do not recommend activating anything.

Integration of the Garo GLB+ and LS4 Compact

1. Connect your notebook to Bender Controller via USB cable:

⚠️ Important: Use the micro USB interface

2. Open the browser on the notebook

Enter the following URL:

3. Check firmware version: 

At least version 4.00-2139 must be installed.

The latest version can be found under State -> Firmware Version.

Carry out the firmware update:

a) Copy the firmware file to a USB stick. Insert the USB stick.

b) Restart the Bender Controller

4. Configure Bender

OCPP Mode: OCPP-J 1.6

WebSocket JSON OCPP URL: ws://{ecarupID}/

Example: ws://

Important: A "/" must be added after the eCarUp OCPP URL (as shown in the example). In addition, the "ChargePoint ID (OCPP)" must not contain any special characters.

Advanced setting via maintenance tool (eCarUp Premium) 

The upload interval of the Meter Values may vary from station to station.

We recommend an interval between 30-60s. This is the only way we can better calculate and display the current charging power on the app. 

You can change this as follows: