For drivers we have created separate FAQ.

How will the revenue of my charging stations be settled?

Earnings generated are automatically credited to your account. Store your bank details in your account in order to trigger a payment to the associated bank account at any time.

We charge 10% on all gross financial transactions that are processed via the eCarUp platform. This also includes all credit card fees. The commission is retained directly and automatically in the payment process (via app or directly by credit card).

Can I leave a comment on the payout receipt?

Yes, you can also enter a comment or commission for the receipt. You can also trigger the receipt again in the web portal. More information on this page.

Can I manage multiple charging stations with a single account?

Yes, you can manage an unlimited number of charging stations with one account.

My charging station has the status "Out of service". What does that mean?

The charging station cannot be used at the moment. This status is displayed if a charging station has not connected to the backend in the last few minutes, e.g. because the Wi-Fi has been interrupted or the station is not connected to the Internet for any other reason. Therefore, first check the Wi-Fi / Internet connection on site. Another reason could be a power outage on site, making the station unusable.

What happens, if a driver causes damage on my charging station?

Liability insurance is mandatory in the Swiss Road Traffic Act. eCarUp refuses any liability towards any damages caused by users. 

Are the revenues generated by an eCarUp charging station taxable?

The revenues from renting out your charging station are taxable. Reductions in value of the charging station and expenses linked directly to the revenue creation are deductible (in Switzerland). 

Please check your local legislation for further information.

Does my charging station have to be publicly accessible with eCarUp?

No, as a station owner you can flexibly decide who, when and at what price can use your station and thus have complete control over the use of the station. The access type and the special users can be adjusted at any time in the web portal without additional costs.

What are public / special users? 

An eCarUp charging stationen can essentially be used in three different modes of operation:

Public: The station is available to all users (via eCarUp App, Instant-Payment and - if applicable - roaming partner network). You can generate the most income in this mode.

Limited: In this mode, only the special users configurated by you can access the charging station. You can select users from your circle of friends, your neighbourhood or your employees and assign them individual prices and conditions for the usage. If you want to share your charging station for free, there won’t be any eCarUp commission. 

Private: Only you as the station owner have access to the charging station. 

As a station operator, you have the possibilty to differentiate these modes of operation on different times of the day.  For instance, share your charging stations on the company parking spaces with your employees according to a special price (0.25 per kWh, 0.00 per h) during the office hours. On the evening and on weekends, you can share the stations with the public, but with a different pricing structure (0.35 per kWh, 0.50 per h).

Am I allowed to sell energy at my charging station?

Yes! The Swiss Federal Council decided this matter in the response to a parliamentary interpellation (16.3660) in September 2016.

Please consult your country specific regulations outside of Switzerland.

How can I delete my eCarUp account?

You can delete your account as follows: