
This function is part of the maintenance, which requires a licence


The alarm function can be used to configure automatic e-mail notifications for certain actions. This is primarily intended to recognise connection failures (charging stations going offline) and enable a proactive response.

The alarm function is available for all charging stations integrated via OCPP (alarm messages for Pico charging stations can be set up via the smart-me if/then actions). Alarm messages can currently be recorded for three events:

Important: The e-mail notification is sent with a different subject. One e-mail for the station going offline and one e-mail for the station coming online. 

The alarms can be stored per ward group or for individual wards. 

Attention: In the current version, only the English language notification can be selected.


Important, you can also enter several addresses. You can separate the different recipients with a semicolon ; between the addresses.


Function of the "offline" or "inactive" message

The alarm for stations with the status "offline" or "inactive" works as follows:

This status is automatically assigned by the eCarUp backend if a station no longer connects to the backend for more than 15 minutes and activation / billing can therefore no longer be guaranteed. The procedure is then as follows:

The alarm is then closed for the eCarUp system and is not followed up any further. Failures of less than 15 minutes are not processed as an e-mail.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of an outage is a failure (or malfunction) of the Internet, which makes communication with our servers impossible. More rarely, it can also be a power failure. In both cases, the station automatically reconnects to the backend (status "Ready*) once the cause has been rectified and can continue to be used normally.