
Ultra-Longevity, The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You, by Mark Liponis, MD., Little Brown and Co, 2007

Written by the medical director at Canyon Ranch, the health and wellness retreat center, himself a kidney cancer survivor, Ultra-Longevity covers vital areas of nutrition, exercise, sleep and other longevity builders that we all need to understand.  Readers will want to take "The Ultralongevity Quiz:  How Fast Are You Aging?" and although the results may be horrifying, they are instructive. 

 For example, if you live in one of 39 metropolitan areas, add no longevity points to your final score!  Or, is your belly bigger than your hips?  Add 10 points if your hips are bigger (yeah)!  Or, if you grew up with a dog, that's worth two points in your final score.!  Unfortunately many of these questions are out of your control - for instance, if you were born in the fall, forget adding points to your score.

The doctor directs our attention to  seven critical elements of longevity:

1.  Breathe

2.  Eat

3.  Sleep

4.  Dance

5.  Love

6.  Soothe

7.  Enhance

As a cancer survivor some of these critical points hit me in the head, especially dance and sleep.  Much has been written on sleep hygiene, and most of that is also contained in Ultra-Longevity, but the whole section on Dance is just too much fun to skip over.  This is not about performance, or socializing, although that may be a contributor, but it's about THE IMMUNE SYSTEM and exercise, and wellness.

The doctor's recommendation to develop a dream mantra goes beyond the usual recommendations to shut off the TV, don't pig out, limit liquids, etc.  What I love about his work is that it combines medical practice and research with neuro science and happiness theory.

But here is where this book truly captured my heart.  We don't know as much about the mysterious immune system as we do about bones, for example, whose density, fractures, and replacements get plenty of press.  But the immune system, now there is a powerful system that we want working for us, because, sadly, it does not always.  Listen to this:  Studies also reveal that our brain uses rhythm to heal!  Wow, who knew? 

Finally, the doctor's Eight Day Meal Plan offers  delicious recipes for healthy living, including Egg White Omelet with Vegetables, Cranberry Apply Betty - gotta have those desserts!, cream of broccoli soup served at Canyon Ranch, and Southwest Grilled Chicken Quesadillas with Avocado Salad - yum.  These recipes don't call for crazy hard-to-find ingredients, and they've all been well tested and sampled.  Love it!