So You Think You Can Be President?

So You Think You Can Be President?  200 Questions to Determine If You Are Right (or Left) Enough to be the Next Commander-in-Chief, by Iris Burnett and Clay Greager, Skyhorse Publishing 2007

"Required reading."  Senator John Kerry -  enough of a recommendation?  

The authors warn us that there may be trick questions.  To avoid any name calling, finger pointing or nah nah ni na nahs  (remember, you will be working in Washington), the

"trick" will be pointed out somewhere in the questions.  Finally, since you are trying to determine if you have what it takes to be the most powerful person in the world, you must use a pen.  Using a pencil and attempting to change an answer will mean that you are incapable of real decision-making and will want to cater to a perceived majority view.  (If you're this type of test taker, we suggest you run for a Congressional seat instead.)

Ready to run?  Lets start the quiz - 

These questions are directed to the candidate Hilary Clinton:

1.  Who was our wealthiest President?

2.  Who was our poorest President?

3.  How many weeks of paid vacation is the President authorized to have?  

4 .  How many Presidents have filed for divorce while still in office?

Answer key:

And for Bernie Sanders, the Mayor of Burlington, Vt., and popular Populist runner:

27.  If you are a Democrat, please look at the following list and choose five taxes you think should be increased in order to help the economy.  If you are a Republican, look at the same list and determine the five taxes that should be cut in order to help the economy:

a.  Accounts Receivable Tax

b.  Building permit Tax

c.  Capital Gains Tax.

d.  CDL License Tax

e.  Cigarette Tax

f.  Corporate Income Tax

g.  Court Fines.

h.  Dog License Tax

i.  Federal Income Tex

j.  Federal Unemployment Tax.

k.  Fishing License Tax

l.  Food License Tax

m.  Fuel Permit Tax.

n.  Gasoline Tax

o.  Hunting License Tax

p.  Inheritance Tax Interest Expense. 

q.  Inventory Tax.

r.  IRS Interest Charges

s.  IRS Penalties.

t.  Liquor Tax.

u.  Local Income Tax.

Chapter Six should have been dedicated to Candidate Donald Trump, because its opening statement, "The growing number of illegal immigrants is an important issue to Americas"  has his look to it - 

131.  Are you related to someone who does not speak English?

133.  How many people work for the US Customs and Borders Protection (CBP)?  (Too hard?  Okay, it's 42,000)

It gets funnier and harder to read, too real, too ironic, through nine chapters totaling the 200 questions (answers at the website).  Perfect Father/Mother's/Election Day gift.