
Change the Sandler Way, Understanding the Human Dynamics that Cause New Initiatives to Success, by HamishHamish Knox 2016

"Change is hard,"  and "Why do so many lean/systems/performance change initiatives fail?"

The answer is in this skinny book, valuable as a quick read to understand the factors that derail change.   

You will recognize the four stages of transition - 

1. Denial,

2. Resistance

3  Exploration

4  Commitment

Manufacturing people will recognize the 8 common negative  consequences that make their appearance with change initiatives

1. Sense of loss 

2. Confusion and ambivalence,  

3. Reduced trust    

4. Increased concern about  survival    

5. Communication  problems    

6. Lower productivity. 

7 Turnover    

8. Strong emotional responses

"Change is hard" is not just The Big Whine - it's real - and before an organization contemplates and plans its next big operational change, this quick read might just help with the survival preparation.