Black Hole Focus

Black Hole Focus, How intelligent people can create a powerful purpose for their lives, by Isaiah Hankel, PhD, Capstone 2014


Living purposefully, honing your focus so that everything, absolutely everything you do stays true to your ultimate focus.  Feel like there is a new skill, a new language, you would learn if you just had time?  Think the best time of your day passes in busy busy e-mails and internet surfing?  Well, according to Hankel, your guilt may be right on, but do you know specifically what to do about it, and how to happily more into the controlled lane? 

The fix, says Hankel, is hard work at the beginning reinforced by success as change throws everything that doesn’t match your life goal into the ditch.  Start with Part 2, How to Find Your Purpose, especially concentrate on Chapter 7, Ruthlessly Evaluate Your Current Position.  I absolutely love the chapters on re-writing your own story, making yourself the hero of your own story, and sticking to it!

For reinforcement, read the seven case examples at the end of each section.  Use Chapter 36, The Only Three Skills that Will Matter in Five Years to move from the end of the Information Age, to the Idea Age, because that’s where this author places the kind of creativity and flexible response the author needs us to develop.  It’s a serious challenge and not one that all of us will choose to make.  Developing and executing a new Black Hole Focus is hard work, from the self-analysis, through developing a new vision and an elevator pitch, but if you are feeling that there is a transition in the wind before it’s too late, this book is a great resource.