8 Keys to Stress Management

book cover

8 Keys to Stress Management, by Elizabeth Anne Scott, WW Norton & Company, 2013


Just in time for the holidays!  Hold on a minute, let me get my cell phone out and I can text the review of this nifty book to you – are you there?  Wait, I’m going into a tunnel, might lose reception – there, I’m back… So as I was saying…  What do you mean you don’t have time for this?.... This is about how to maintain your…. Oh hold it, I have another call coming in…. Ok, I’m back, the point was that to not end up drinking and yammering too…. Yup, that’s what he said, and I quote, underperforming in the team relationship building department…. Like who knew?  Well yes, I was going to describe to you this simple approach to stress management… That’s right, the author calls it the “8 Keys” and I’ve put it on an index card which I am going to laminate and tape to my cell phone.  For sure….  You wanna year them?


1.       Become aware of your stressors

2.       Learn to quickly reverse your stress response – uh huh, what the heck does that mean?

3.       Take care of your body – yeah right, like I have time for Pilates!

4.       Get into the right frame of mind

5.       Cut down on stressors when possible – Does this mean we have to end this conversation (and the two others I have on hold?)

6.       Cultivate health relationships

7.       Put positive psychology into action

8.       Practice long-term resilience-forming habits.  Wow, that’s a heavy duty responsibility – talk about life-changing….

So that’s it buddy… nice chatting with you… Stay warm!