Negotiating from the Inside Out

Negotiating from the Inside Out, A Playbook for Business Success, by Clint Babcock, Sandler 2020.

Negotiation is a practiced skill that can be broken down into clear steps and  repeated - some wins, some losses, some draws -  but always the result can be a  little more learning.  That's why this practical book is a great resource,  something we can read, mark up, re-think and read again.

It's hard to win against a champion negotiator, but we can take a practical position that achieves specific goals if we use Babcock's rules.  First, learn to recognize "The 7 Errors that Undermine Negotiations" - 

1.  Failure to Recognize a Strategic Negotiator

2.  A Weak Pre-Negotiation Position

3.  Making Unilateral Concessions

4.  Talking Too Much

5.  Losing Control of Your Emotions

6.  Being Unprepared

"I believe," says author Babcock, "that the only way you're going to be able to apply these techniques under pressure is by practicing.  Over the next few months, I would suggest that you look at most everything you buy as negotiable.  Use one of the gambits, ask for a concession,, and then watch what the other person does.  How do they react?"  And then go from there.  

Patricia E. Moody.

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