Dorian insisted...

"Let the data lead you..."

 Love these numbers!  Shewhart Award winner and Rath and Strong guru Dorian Shainin pounded it into us.... and that's the way we like to look at how well companies are running their operations.   Net profit tells us so much about systems, leadership, strategies and managing costs, especially purchasing spend - raises questions as well - So while we are waiting for the next June end quarterlies, we took a look back, and the results were surprising: -

                                                            Dec. 2013                     March 2014

Honda                                                5.32%                            5.51

Toyota                                                7.98                                4.52

Nissan                                                3.75                                4.1

Volkswagen                                      4.58                                5.01

Ford                                                    8.21                                2.76

GM                                                      2.57                                0.57 

Money is still cheap, but Toyota, Ford, and GM fell, while Honda Nissan and VW rose.  What happened?