Why Make Eagles Swim?

Why Make Eagles Swim, Embracing Natural Strengths in Leadership & Life, by Bill Munn with Libby Cortez, Greenleaf Book Group Press 2016

Best part of this book, the cover, an American eagle wearing flippers.  But seriously, additional useful tools include the attribute matrix, a visual map of a team's inventory of attributes, along with a website where readers can create their own custom version:  www.attributesacademy.com.

The attributes leaders are looking to define include these:

achiever, commander, communicator, conceptual, creator, decisive, developer, learner, logician, orderly, persuasive, reconciler, relational, responsible.  AT different times during an organizations life cycle, leaders will need certain of these characteristics,    For example, Developers can benefit from leaning on Persuasives and Commanders at the right times, and vice versa, just as projects will at critical points require a Commander.  

One more additional approach toward developing the right organizational matrix is Munn's insistence on focusing on the positive, rather than trying to fix weaknesses.  Readers will like Chapter 14, "Attributes in Different Occupations."  The attributes' contrasted with definitions and illustrations will help readers identify characteristics in their own groups because,  as Munn points out, there are very different attributes required in Finance and Legal, for instance - Learner, Orderly, and Logician, in comparison to Research, Development and Engineering, which require the Logician and the Learner.