The Culture Question

The Culture Question, How to Create A Workplace Where People Like to Work, by Randy Grieser, Eric Stutzman, Wendy Loewen, Michael Labun, Achieve 2019


                        According to the Deloitte "Global Human Capital Trends Report," out of more than seven thousand CEOs and human                                     resources leaders surveyed, only 19  percent  felt they had the "right culture."     This  means that for the majority of                                         organizations, a culture change is needed.  p. 158


We've been hearing about culture change since forever, and rather than think of this phenomenon as just another "my dog ate my homework," the authors offer solid recommendations to turn a company around.  Starting with four areas that culture change leaders can focus on, they offer hope for improved communication:


1.  The reasons behind the need for culture change

2.  The process for change

3.  The roles people will play in the change

4.  the vision for a better culture.




 Skip to the Resources section for this book's most useful tools; they put power behind culture change drives, including:

Purpose and Values Questionnaire

Sample Interview Questions

A Guide for Building Consensus

Conflict Transformation Guide

Conflict Management & Respectful Workplace Guidelines

Cultural Health Assessment

Culture Change Guide


If you're looking to become Toyota overnight, remember how many decades it took to build the company.  But if you are wanting to improve communications beginning  now, this is a great starting point.



Patricia E. Moody

FORTUNE magazine  "Pioneering Woman in Mfg" 

IndustryWeek IdeaXchange Xpert

A Mill Girl at Blue Heron Journal, on-line resource for business thought-leaders and decision-makers,,,,