Hardcover, Wiley,  1999 -  304 pages   WE ALSO HAVE ONE NEW SHRINK-WRAPPED KAIZEN BLITZ IN PORTUGESE - e-mail   

When was the last time your company improved productivity from 20 percent to 60 percent-in only four days? Or cut inventory by 50 percent in the same amount of time? Remarkable results like these were delivered by teams of employees and those who participated in the Association for Manufacturing Excellence Kaizen BlitzSM events. Using the Kaizen Blitz, employees learned how to work as a team to tackle problems from the shop floor and, most importantly, how to solve them quickly.

That's what The Kaizen Blitz can teach you. Simply translated as "continuous improvement," kaizen is a highly focused process aimed at producing incremental performance improvements in narrowly targeted areas. The Kaizen Blitz is a powerful technique that delivers breakthrough improvements throughout an organization-fast. This book will show you how the Kaizen Blitz works and how to bring the extraordinary benefits of this approach to your company. Coauthored by executives of the AME, the book provides a frank discussion of what kaizen will and won't do, the preparation necessary, obstacles to be wary of, and the results you can expect.

The Kaizen Blitz involves everyone across an organization-managers and workers alike. 44t is a low-cost, hands-on process, where all team members are equal and everyone gets their hands dirty. This thorough guide explains how your company can put together your own Kaizen Blitz teams to rapidly develop, test, and refine solutions to problems, leaving a new process in place in just a few days. It outlines how employees can work side by side to implement the best of their ideas for reaching common business goals, such as inventory reduction, capacity expansion, cost reduction, and leveraging capital investments. You will discover how the application of a few simple tools in a straightforward, common-sense approach can bring about real and profound change, provided that management is fully committed and ready to lead the process.

In addition, the authors of this important book:

* Help you determine whether your organization is ready to attempt the Kaizen Blitz

* Outline what you need for an initial Kaizen Blitz project-and what to avoid

* Explain why software package-driven process change has limitations

* Cite results and applications in top U.S. manufacturers.

If you are committed to adopting lean manufacturing; if you want an effective tool to address specific problems in your company; if you need radical change to happen now, The Kaizen Blitz will deliver beyond your highest expectations.

The Association for Manufacturing Excellence has pioneered a powerful version of kaizen-a process for achieving continuous improvement in an organization-called the Kaizen Blitz.SM This book will show you how to use this remarkable tool to deliver breakthrough improvements in your company in areas like productivity, inventory reduction, capacity expansion, and much more. You'll learn how to assemble a kaizen team that will determine solutions to your company's specific problems by designing new systems, correcting mistakes quickly and moving on, running and refining procedures, and ultimately demonstrating a new process in place in just a few days. You'll also read about top U.S. manufacturers who have successfully used the Kaizen Blitz to bring about radical, positive change. If your company is ready to achieve dramatic results by implementing new processes-not just proposed, but in place and functioning-in a matter of days, the Kaizen Blitz is the way to make it happen.


AMACOM 2004.  Great companies save money every day, now every organization can realize "The Incredible Payback"! The authors of the acclaimed "The Purchasing Machine" deliver an eye-opening look at the power of supply management, presenting success stories from best-of-the-best procurement organizations like Honda, Delphi, John Deere, and others. This book presents an all-new supply chain best practice: Spend Management, and also demonstrates how procurement strategy is a key factor in bottom line results.

What reviewers have to say about The Incredible Payback:

APICS The Performance Advantage: "...[The Incredible Payback] describes a powerful concept....This book provides an interesting process for discovering the strategic value of purchasing."

"The authors of the widely acclaimed The Purchasing Machine deliver an eye-opening look at the power of supply management with The Incredible Payback.

This timely book presents amazing success stories from best-of-the-best procurement organizations like Honda, Delphi, John Deere, and others.

Using the same cost-management strategies implemented at these leading organizations, The Incredible Payback shows how any company can reap benefits including:

* saving up to 30 percent on material and service expenses

* leveraging technology to accelerate savings

* high-yield supplier development programs

* extension of financial opportunities throughout the highest levels of the enterprise, exponentially increasing savings potential

Great companies save money every day. Now every organization can realize The Incredible Payback."


Hardcover, New, signed. Using first-person narratives, powerful examples and penetrating insights, Moody demonstrates how dozens of top companies are blazing the way in supplier partnering to leverage their combined resources, innovative talent and market position to achieve remarkable results. She describes the entire process of developing new, long-term relationships with suppliers based on a proven blueprint that will enable organizations to benchmark the best enterprises, develop appropriate partnering systems, create and sustain communication with each partner and continually energize partnerships through committed company leadership.

Reveals how such leading companies as Honda of America, Apple Computer, Solectron (now Flextronics), Becton Dickinson, Nypro and Boeing are breaking new ground in creating innovative supplier partnerships. Through first-person stories, examples and penetrating insights, this book describes how companies can create a new enterprise level of organization, leveraging their combined marketing resources and talent to achieve remarkable results. 


Most manufacturing companies with batch-

and-queue "push" production systems have been blindsided by today's consumer who expects quality products and services delivered on demand and customized to individual taste. In The Perfect Engine, manufacturing experts Anand Sharma and Patricia E. Moody describe for the first time how leading "pull" production pioneers build to order by reducing inventory, decreasing cycle time, minimizing floor space, and eliminating waste. Drawing on scores of examples and detailed case studies of three leaders in the demand economy field -- , Maytag, Pella, and Mercedes-Benz -- Sharma and Moody demonstrate how these companies achieved astonishing results using the pathbreaking LeanSigmaSM Transformation. Combining lean production and quality elements from the famous Six Sigma process, LeanSigma produces annual productivity gains of 15 percent to 20 percent. In addition, the authors show, inventory turns more than quadruple; cycle times drop by more than 70 percent; and floor space reductions of 30 percent to 50 percent are not uncommon. Sharma and Moody provide immensely readable explanations of key technical aspects of the process--for example, how cell-based one-piece flow can replace batch-and-queue with dramatically improved lead times and inventory turnover.

A chapter on a revolutionary design technique the authors call Design for LeanSigma or 3P/4P (Product and Production Preparation Process) shows how to build flexibility into the product design and the production systems at very low risk, which will be especially helpful when forecasts and customer orders deviate from original projections, as they usually do.  Design for LeanSigma  produces profitability at short-term volume projections, which makes it a perfect tool for the new demand economy.
