For The Americas, Some Good News

From The Mill Girl on AMA Shift, He who laughs last:  The return of US manufacturing

Ten years ago, at the height of the outsourcing frenzy,  I predicted on CNN in front of 16 million people worldwide that United States’ manufacturing would come back and that we would be making “things” again – appliances, heavy equipment, computers, TV’s and electronics.  Even my dog laughed at me!

Here's why we need to bring it ALL back and put the pieces together!

        Over 15% of US GNP goes to shipping stuff back and forth on planes and boats and trains and keeping track of the whole tangled mess!   Wait til you see my feature - writing bits now as we speak, then photos, ready soon -  on the company in Michigan that's bringing electronics BACK FROM CHINA!  WHOO HOOO!  Now I've got this crazy Stealth Skyping EMU sending me messages every night from the outback - he's telling me to keep going, keep banging them about global supply management, mfg and TECH.  TECH rules!  It's time to integrate the enterprise and plug the computers back in folks, get the rust out! 

It's true that we lost our way with mfg careers, but I also know that any time an auto assembly or auto supplier plant opens in the South - and now we have Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, VW plus hundreds of suppliers - the line of applicants goes around the block. People want good jobs and they want training once they get there. Just based on that fact, I am more optimistic that it's INDUSTRY, not Government, that understands and will execute this. It's very exciting, more than just a glimmer.

Should we bring manufacturing back to the US? 

The Outsourcing Council and I disagree -  See my Opposing View at Buyers Meeting Point                                 

Here's a nice fat projection from BCG includes 3M jobs and large GDP boost.


Putting the Pieces Together at The Amoskeag Mill Complex, at one time the largest textile operation in the world,  looking toward downtown Manchester, NH, in Legos at the SEE museum.
