Choose to Win

Choose to Win, Transform Your Life One Simple Choice At A Time, by Tom Ziglar, NelsonNelson Books 2019 

                   You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.  Tom Ziglar



Tom Ziglar climbed from working in the warehouse, to sales, then management and finally leadership.  But, he admits, he did not do it alone.  Every step required personal decisions accompanied by many other people along the way.  


Ziglar's personal decisions required daily reinforcement.  In "50 Performance Habits You Can Choose to Own" Ziglar offers readers fifty performance habits that reinforce positive performance, and taking the first step.  The section called Effort Habits feels good, but difficult:


Effort Habits

12.  You are early.  It's a choice,  Make it a habit.

13  You are prepared.  You learn in advance everything you can that gives you the best chance for success.

14.  You organize and prioritize.  You have a plan for your day to that your life happens to your day and not your day happens to your life.

15.  You do extra.  You exceed expectations so that every interaction you have builds trust.

16.  You practice persistence consistence (PC). You work on your big goals every day (consistency) and do just a little bit extra on each goal every day (persistency).

17.  You stretch yourself every day.  You choose to do at least one thing each day that is out of your professional comfort zone and takes you into the effectiveness zone.... through 30


This book is filled with tools to move, to get better, to discover stalls.  The best way to read it is to skip, stop, read, skip stop read as needed. 



Patricia E. Moody

FORTUNE magazine  "Pioneering Woman in Mfg" 

IndustryWeek IdeaXchange Xpert

A Mill Girl at Blue Heron Journal, on-line resource for business thought-leaders and decision-makers,,,,