Clarity First

Clarity First, by Karen Martin, McGraw-Hill 2018

From the winner of two Shingo Research Award books, Clarity First author Karen Martin offers refreshingly easy and direct methods to become a respected leader in the age of endless leadership styles.  Although the book does discuss that fuzzy word "culture," she delivers on the promise to offer practical solid advice to perfect the "Six P's" of organizational clarity:

*  Purpose:  Understand why the organization exists.

*  Priorities:  Define what matters now.

*  Process:  Design and manage how the work gets done - with excellence and precision.

*  Performance:  Know how the organization is doing on all fronts.

*  Problem solving:  Surface problems and use a disciplined method for solving them.

*  Personal:  Lead with clarity of thought, word, and action.  

Martin recognizes that it is not enough for a company to be known for having a great culture, or enlightened leadership beause results matter, and the market, as well as younger employees, demand the kind of precision she advises should be behind the leadership image.  In fact, one of my "A" list favorite leaders, Billy R. Taylor, Director of N. America Mfg at Goodyear, has this to say about Clarity:

"Karen Martin does a masterful job of providing to readers why clarity is the key to outstanding performance, and showing what smart organizations can do to attain and sustain it.  She maps a clear path to defining what winning is and how to get there.  The chaos-cutting solutions and powerful clarity-enabling practices she shares are keenly observed and immediately implementable.  I was absolutely absorbed by each word, each page, each illuminating example and instructive concept."

Pay particular attention to my favorite chapter, Chapter 6 Problem Solving, Figure 6.2 and 6.3.  These two graphics take us from Ambiguity all the way down through problem-solving steps to Clarity, starting with Big vague problem, to Root causes, and Countermeasures for experimentation.  The process is where many companies get stuck or end up in a purgatory of repetition, spinning, spinning.  Figure 6.3 emphasizes the practical, the realistic evaluation of problem-solving.  The section on running an experiment to drill down is invaluable.

Mill Girl Verdict:  a refreshingly precise and disciplined approach to the real leadership challenges.