The 11 Laws of Likability

The 11 Laws of Likability, Relationship Networking…   Because People Do Business with People They Like, by Michelle Tillis Lederman, Amacom 2012

For today’s lesson, folks, let’s focus on the positive, the section in Live The Law called “Accentuate the Positive” which follows Authenticity.  The 11 Laws of Likability – because no one wants to work with someone she doesn’t like – includes funny anecdotes and tips for everyone, introverts included – but this positivityness especially appeals to The Mill Girl:

          The words we choose to describe something – whether we say them out loud or in our own heads – impact how we view it.  To increase positive framing, try the following strategies:

*   Choose the positive take on something, not the negative.   Example:  I am working too slowly.  I’ll never finish this project.  I should just give up.


*  I’m taking my time to make sure things are done correctly; I’ve worked really hard and I need to take a break.

·        Select strong, action verbs.  Example: Instead of I am considering what job I may apply for, say I am deciding what job I will apply for. 


Of the 11 Laws of likability covered one per chapter, some readers may find especially useful the sections on Listening – “A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something,” and Mood Memory – “Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around."  The bits on being an introvert and intuitive listening will surprise you.  Beyond these rules for better social interaction, the author’s advice for working safely with on-line web media – Twitter, and LinkedIn especially – are worth reviewing.