What's the difference between a 3 Day Notice, a 7 Day Notice, and a 30 Day Notice?

7 Day Notice, or 7 Day Eviction Warning Notice (Warning prior to taking 1st step for Eviction)

Reasons to deliver: non-payment of rent.

3 Day Notice, or Notice to Pay Rent or Quit (1st Step of Eviction Process)

Reasons to file: non-payment of rent; extensive and continuing physical injury to property; serious and continuing health hazards.

30 Day Notice, or Termination Notice

Reasons to use: Owner wishes to terminate tenancy during a month to month tenancy. A 60 day notice must be used if tenancy has been longer than one year. A Lease cannot be terminated with a 30 day notice, but Owner may send a Notice of Non-Renewal prior to the Lease End Date to confirm with Tenant that they must vacate at the end of the lease.

90 Day Notice

Reasons to use: A 90 Day notice must be provided to terminate a HAP (housing assistance payment) contract. See Civil Code Section 1954.535; Wasatch Property Management v. Degrate (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1111 [29 Cal.Rptr.3d 262].