How can I sign up for ADDITIONAL Property Condition Reviews (PCR)?

FAQ > Maintenance

We have a full-time property evaluator who completes walk-through evaluations of your investment property and generates detailed reports, looks for lease issues, and more.

RPM performs one Property Condition Reviews (PCR) per year by default, but, if you are ready to sign up for PCRs per year, notify our Team and we can sign you up for additional RPM Property Condition Reviews on a bi-annual, tri-annual, or quarterly schedule.

You will be sent a copy of the PCR Agreement to sign and then we'll schedule your recurring site visits and you can expect to receive your first report within 3 business days after the site visit is performed.

See below to review the Agreement:

O02p. RPM Property Condition Review Agreement v.1217 (Sign Up with HelloSign Link Template)