How does RPM handle pests / rodent issues?

FAQ > Maintenance

Here is the language of our "Pest Responsibility Addendum" that we have all Tenants sign. It discloses that pests and rodents do exist in Humboldt County and outside of any pre-existing treatment schedules, the Landlord agrees to provide the first treatment at no cost to Tenant, unless there is evidence that the Tenant and/or their guest created the environment that could have or actually did create the pest problem.

Pest Responsibility Addendum

All parties hereby acknowledge that they each have independent duties to help control pest issues and that each party must work with the other party to address these issues in a timely manner to avoid pest infestations. The use of the word "pest" includes, but is not limited to: roaches, bedbugs, ants, scorpions, spiders, mice, and rats. The undersigned Tenant(s) acknowledges and agrees to the following:

Existence of Pests

Tenant understands that various pest, rodent, and insect species (collectively “pests”) exist in Northern California. The existence of pests may vary by season and location.


The Landlord agrees to inspect the unit prior to renting the unit for pests and to pre-treat the home in the event that any pests are detected. The premises are being delivered to Tenant free of infestations of ants, rodents, fleas, cockroaches, spiders, bees and other insects and pests. Any such infestations are to be noted in the T38h. Resident Move-In Evaluation Form.

If noted on Evaluation Form, the Landlord agrees to take all reasonable steps necessary to control or destroy the pests by using the proper protocol as determined by a licensed pest control service. This requirement in no way limits the Landlord's right to use staff to remedy the situation.


  1. Landlord agrees to provide the first treatment at no cost to Tenant, unless there is evidence that the Tenant and/or their guest created the environment that could have or actually did create the pest problem.

  2. Landlord agrees to take all reasonable steps to address any identified pest issue.

  3. Tenant agrees to pay for the monthly pest control spraying fees if pest control vendor determines that Tenant’s care of property is causing pest infestation.

  4. Tenant agrees to prepare their unit for treatment and comply with all recommendations and requests from management and pest control specialists prior to the professional treatment including but not limited to: placing all food in properly sealed containers and cleaning the home and all food preparation areas on a daily basis.

  5. If the Tenant does not have the unit properly prepared for any treatment, the Tenant agrees to be liable for that service fee. Tenant agrees that breach of any of these obligations will constitute a breach of the lease and may result in an eviction action and/or a claim for the damages incurred by Landlord.

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenant agrees that they will not knowingly or negligently bring any items into the unit that may be infested with pests or create any condition that would cause pest issues. Tenant agrees to keep the home in a clean and debris-free condition.

Tenant must maintain the premises in such a way as to keep the premises free of such infestations and shall be responsible for extermination costs if pest control vendor determines it is Tenant’s care of property that is causing pests.

When storing pesticides, be careful for the safety of children and animals at all times.

For Indoor insects, such as fleas, ants, spiders, silverfish, and more, do the following:

  1. Insect foggers are the most reliable. Purchase them at grocery or garden stores.

  2. To use: follow the instructions on the cans, cover all food and dishes, remove all adults, children and animals from the inside, and leave for approximately for four hours.

For outdoor Insects, such as ants, fleas, grasshoppers, and more:

  1. Purchase granulized or liquid insect products at any garden supply store. It is very economical to buy and very effective.

  2. Follow the directions on the package, apply around the perimeter of the house, and fence.

  3. For spiders, use liquid premixed insecticide. Follow the directions on the package.

  4. Purchase bait for snails, sow bugs, and slugs, and similar pest, bait at garden supply stores. Follow the directions on the package.

For rodent control, observe the following:

If you have ordinary mice, you can purchase several common controls at grocery or garden supply stores.


  1. If bedbugs are discovered in the unit or in a surrounding unit, the Tenant agrees to comply with additional steps including but not limited to any protocol provided by the pest control company and:

  2. Placing all bedding, drapes, and rugs in bags to be transported for laundry or dry cleaning. Wash and dry all machine-washable items in the hottest setting. Dry clean any items that are not washable and notify the drycleaner of the issue so that proper steps may be taken to remedy the issue.

  3. Removing or destroying all infected mattresses in sealed plastic and away from the common trash disposal area. Discard any other items that cannot be treated in the same manner.

  4. Emptying all closets and furniture from the area during treatment and not returning any of those items until they have been cleared by the pest control specialist. Follow instructions on how to properly clean or destroy any infected items.

  5. Deeply vacuum all areas of the unit including but not limited to closets and furniture. Follow instructions on how to properly discard vacuum contents.

  6. Move all of the furniture away from the walls and leave access to closet areas.

Temporary Relocation

  1. Subject to local law, Tenant agrees, upon demand of Landlord, to temporarily vacate Premises for a reasonable period, to allow for fumigation (or other methods) to control wood destroying pests or organisms, or other repairs to Premises.

  2. Tenant agrees to comply with all instructions and requirements necessary to prepare Premises to accommodate pest control, fumigation or other work, including bagging or storage of food and medicine, and removal of perishables and valuables.

  3. Tenant shall only be entitled to a credit of Rent equal to the per diem Rent for the period of time Tenant is required to vacate Premises.


The Tenant acknowledges that the Landlord is not an insurer of Tenant's property and the Tenant is recommended to carry sufficient insurance for their personal property. Furthermore, the Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and its agents from any claims, including attorney fees, which the Tenant may incur as a result of the negligent or intentional acts of the Tenant or their guests. Tenant may be liable for failing to comply with this addendum. Owner and its agents shall not be liable to Tenant or their guests for any harm as a result of any pest issue other than for the intentional failure to address a pest issue.

More Info

For more information on pests and pest control providers, Tenant should contact the State of California Department of Food and Agriculture

Upon vacating property:

  1. If you have a pet, leave an adequate supply of insect foggers. All foggers must be left unopened. RPM may place and discharge them after your move out. The minimum required is four (4) foggers. If you have three bedrooms, two baths, and 2-car garage home or larger, you must supply a minimum of six (6) foggers.

  2. If you do not have a pet, you do not need to supply foggers unless you have not been exercising minimum insect control. If a property is found loaded with ants, spiders, cobwebs, etc., you can incur pest control charges.

The undersigned Tenants acknowledge the terms of this addendum to the Rental Agreement.