Why do you recommend regular preventative maintenance CHECKS?

FAQ > Maintenance

If landlords are only walking through the rental property on moving day and again on the day renters move out, then they may be in for some surprises. Regular Property Condition Reviews and preventative maintenance should be part of the rental process. It is a way for you, the property owner, to know if renters are obeying leasing rules and if the home is staying in compliance with safety and health regulations.

Preventative maintenance is crucial to maintaining your property and having a positive relationship with your tenants. A clear expectation from the beginning of the tenancy of regular preventative maintenance checks as part of renting the home will reduce the awkwardness of scheduling with Tenants. Additionally, having a set schedule lets your renters know what to expect and reminds them to stay in compliance with their Rental Agreement.

Documenting the condition before move-in as well as regular check ins during tenancy helps protect both parties in case of a disagreement.

Sticking to a regular schedule is important. Having the expectation of routine preventative maintenance early on with your tenants will protect you and them. It will build positive relationships with them and feelings of trust when they know they must take care of the property and in turn know you will fix problems quickly. Putting off regular check-ups can cost a lot of money down the road.

This is why we recommend signing up for recurring Property Condition Reviews -> Sign up for recurring Property Condition Reviews