Opinion Writing

Kindergarten | Writing

Standard:  CC.1.4.K.G , CC.1.4.K.H , CC.1.4.K.I , CC.1.4.K.J , CC.1.4.K.L 

Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces on familiar topics. 

Form an opinion by choosing between two given topics.  

Support the opinion with reasons. Make logical connections between drawing and writing.  

Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 

I can write an opinion and reasons about a topic.


With help, the student demonstrates partial success at 2.0 and 3.0.

I can:

Explain strategies to generate ideas for opinion writing.

Explain strategies to plan and organize opinion writing.

List examples of transition words (and, then, next).

Identify sentences that begin with a capital letter, end in puncutation, and spell words.

Vocabulary: opinion, reason

I can: 

State an opinion.

Support an opinion with writing and drawing of reasons.

Use transition words to order reasons.

Include an ending.

Write sentences that begin with a capital letter, end in punctuation, and use sounds to spell words.


Kindergarten Opinion Rubric