EYSD Badging
Resource Site

In order to empower our students to learn, our teachers to teach, and our families to engage, Eastern York School District has committed to greater transparency of learning. We're excited to be transitioning to standards-referenced grading using a new badging report card designed to make our students progress easy to understand for all involved.

What you'll see:

EYSD has identified the most important knowledge and skills our students will need as they progress from grade to grade. As students achieve milestones on the way to demonstrating mastery, they will earn badges.

The badges will change as teachers assess mastery using a Learning Scale.

Supporting resources will be added by our content experts to provide some examples of what kinds of activities students will be doing in school to practice skills and demonstrate their learning. These activities can serve as a guide for anyone working with our students in our schools or at home!

What's the difference?