S3 BGE Spanish

Why do this course?

The course will provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Among other key skills developed are problem solving and application of knowledge, and we strive to foster a culture with learning for sustainability and global citizenship at its heart, for example, developing a cultural awareness of the lives of others and of historical, economic and ecological contexts, both at home and abroad.

What will you experience?

With teacher guidance, pupils will be involved in setting targets and evaluating their progress. They will investigate how they know they have learned something and how this can be applied to future learning. ICT is also used regularly throughout the course, both to access foreign language websites and exercises, or present pupils’ own work.

Pupils are encouraged to work individually, in pairs and in groups and we take seriously our goal to help develop each individual pupil’s sense of responsibility towards his/her own learning. The structure and grammar of the foreign language are also covered in detail.

What will you learn?

The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) broad general education (BGE) course aims to develop your child’s knowledge, confidence and competence in using Spanish in a broad range of relevant scenarios. In addition, pupils are introduced to the culture of countries where these languages are spoken. The course aims to develop understanding and a respect for other cultures and an interest in visiting, working or living abroad.

Why learn a Modern Language?

We encourage pupils to see themselves as communicators and problem solvers in their own learning. This develops active, independent life-long learning skills. We build confidence and communication skills to develop our pupils’ ability to take part and enjoy the culture and language of others. This develops tolerance and open-mindedness towards others and a better understanding of difference in the world, both locally and abroad.

We seek to enhance literacy and numeracy in our students and make them aware of the importance of keeping healthy and looking after our world and its inhabitants. The confidence gained from solving problems and developing understanding in a foreign language also adds confidence in other areas of learning; concepts introduced in a modern language are often completely new and have no equivalent in English, which encourages the brain to create new learning capacity and new thinking skills.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course

We also strongly recommend that pupils purchase a dictionary in the language they are learning as these are used frequently in class. Advice on this can be given by the class teacher.


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, usually once a week, and with a week to prepare. This will generally involve learning and spelling new vocabulary or preparing for speaking tests or oral presentations. Written work tends to be done in class time, however, typing up final versions of essays etc is often set as homework.


This is carried out in a number of ways, from more formal class tests and assessments to paired or peer assessment in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Pupil progress is monitored and reported on throughout the school year and pupils are given opportunities to assess and discuss their own performance with staff and pupils, and provide feedback on teachers, in a bid to ensure that standards are raised.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


  • S4 – National 4 and 5

  • S5 – National 5 or Higher

  • S6 – National 5 or Higher


This course is suitable for all learners who are interested in becoming a:    

Learner Experiences