S3 BGE Performance Physical Education

Why do this course?

The course will provide pupils with the opportunity to develop physical skills and fitness, thinking skills, collecting data that relates to personal performance, processing and analysing data, comparing and evaluating information. There will be opportunities to use and develop skills in ICT.

What will you experience?

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as direct teaching, paired and/or group work including self and peer assessment. Work in class is supported through the use of work books, ICT and other digital media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own progress. Pupils will build on their previous knowledge from S1/2 in order to develop and refine their practical performance. Pupils should be aware that this course will include written work in class and for homework .

What will you learn?

The aim of this course is to enable pupils to develop their skills in a range of activities as well as their knowledge of factors that affect their performance. The units we will study are:

Performance Skills Pupils will take part in a range of activities. Some activities will include: indoor team game, outdoor team game, badminton, gymnastics, dance and athletics. Pupils will examine their own performance in each activity in order to analyse their strengths and weaknesses. Pupils will have the opportunity to progress their skills and techniques from activities in S1/2.

Factors That Impact on Performance Pupils will explore a range of factors that help develop skills and performance such as physical and mental fitness, different types of skills and techniques, suitable ways of developing skills and suitable tactics and strategies. They will then undertake evaluation of their own performance through a number of methods to identify their own strengths and weaknesses before implementing a short training plan which looks to improve these weaknesses.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis and may involve practice of skills, preparation for assessments or projects.


Knowledge and skills will be assessed in different ways, depending on the topic being studied. This will include presentations, project work, classroom tests, and assessed work/homework.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


S4 – National 4 and 5 Physical Education, NPA Team Sports (SCQF level v5), Mental Health Award (SCQF level 4 or level 5)

S5 – Higher


This course is suitable for all learners who are interested in becoming a:    

  • Fitness Instructor

  • Leisure Industry

  • Outdoor Activities Instructor

  • PE Teacher

  • Physiotherapist

  • Sports Coach

  • Sports and Exercise Scientist

  • Sports and Exercise Psychologist

  • Sports Development Officer

Learner Experiences

I enjoy elective because you to get to play sports with new people and it gives you opportunities to play different sports.

I have learned to develop my communication and confidence skills.

I picked this subject because I really liked PE in S2 and wanted to learn more skills and do more P.E.

I have learned more teamwork skills/communication skills and way more skills in each sport.

I have learned about tactics and new skills in different activities. I have also learned to work as part of a team through different team building drills and games as well as learning how to develop my skills in challenging games.