National Progress Award Sports Development

(S5/6 Course Option)


1 year/240 Hours


Internal Assessments - Completion of log books, presentations and a project planning essay. 


No external exam

What will you learn?

Sports Development provides candidates with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a sporting context. You will be given the opportunity to build up your confidence, organisation and communication skills through participation in practical activities before putting these into practice by leading a minimum of10 sessions at an extra-curricular club. This will give you hands on experience in leadership role and offer you the opportunity to evaluate your progress and further enhance your skills. 


This course will also enable candidates to gain a deeper knowledge of the health benefits of sport and exercise as well as the opportunity to put this into practice through practical sessions. Through investigative and critical thinking activities candidates will develop a greater understanding of terminology, working practices, the significance of research, personal skills, local and national targets together with political objectives for sport and fitness.  

What will you experience?

The course consists of two units both of which must be completed to obtain the full award.    

Unit 1 - Candidates must complete a portfolio of evidence in the form of a logbook to record and evaluate a minimum of 10 sessions as a participant and as a volunteer within a selected role.  Knowledge of the benefits of participation in physical activity sessions to the individual and wider community must also be evidenced through an essay.  

Unit 2 – Candidates must produce a portfolio of evidence in the form of a sports development proposal.  This should include identification of the concept of sports development, data collection and analysis of current provision, identification of potential development projects and a description of the viability of a project proposal. 

Key Facts 

Everything you need to know before selecting this course 


Pupils will be set homework via Teams on a regular basis by their teacher. It will often support the completion of unit assessment and involve planning their sessions for delivery.


All work for this course is internally assessed in the forms of log books, essays and proposals,  


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, HWB.  However, as a guide:

No entry requirements are required to access this course however, a minimum of a National 5 in Physical Education and a National 5 in English would be beneficial. 

Pupil's must be self motivated and willing to complete tasks individually and in small groups to meet deadlines. 

A strong interest in sport and fitness is a must!

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course 


Pupils may wish to progress on to one of the following opportunities in S5/6:  

Higher Physical Education 

L7 Football Refereeing
