N4-5 Physical Education


1 full year / 160 hours


N4: Unit Assessments

N5: 50% from 1 or 2 performances + 50% from written portfolio (on going assessment)


N4: No Exam

N5: No Exam

What will you learn?

The course consists of two elements in which pupils are assessed in order to achieve a course award:



  • Develop a range of movement skills and/or physical fitness in activities

  • Develop consistency in their control, fluency of movement body and spatial awareness

  • Learn how to work as part of a team or individually in order to achieve a goal as well as developing managing their emotions in challenging performance contexts

Activities will include a range of individual and team activities based on the interests of the pupils within the classes.

Factors that Impact on Performance

Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of the impact of factors on performance, the methods used to investigate these factors, the approaches used to develop these factors and the importance and means of monitoring these factors. Pupils will be given the opportunity to develop their performance in a range of different activities. They will look to develop their understanding of the principles of training and their application to their own performance in order to improve:

The factors explored are:

  • Mental factors

  • Social factors

  • Emotional factors

  • Physical factors

Why do this course?

This course is for students who enjoy sport and fitness, or who wish to commence further educational studies within the Sport, Outdoor or Fitness industry. It is recommended that pupils who participate in extra-curricular sport or sport out with school take this course.

What will you experience?

Pupils will have the opportunity to experience the cycle of analysis in a range of activities. Pupils will analyse their performance before identifying strengths and weaknesses. They will then carry out a training plan to improve their performance and be given the opportunity to retest their performance. Where possible, pupils will have personalisation and choice to participate in the activities most suited to them.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, this will be available on TEAMs. This will link directly to the theory work which underpins the portfolio.


  • Pupils will complete a One Off Performance in two activities. This will likely be 2 performances worth 30 marks each and will account for 50% of the overall course award.

Assessment Areas: Pupils may be assessed in one of the following activities at National 5: Football; Rugby; Hockey; Basketball; Gymnastics; Swimming; Volleyball; Badminton; Tennis; Dance; Table tennis; Trampolining; Diving; Rowing; Indoor track cycling; Athletics. Pupils may be able to be assessed in other activities in negotiation with the PE department and In line with SQA guidelines.

  • Pupils will complete a written portfolio which will be ongoing throughout the year. This follows the cycle of analysis in their chosen activity. This is worth 60 marks and will account for 50% of the overall award.

Pupils should bring a full change of kit that is suitable for each activity.

It is expected that pupils participate in an extra-curricular club (within or out with school) in their chosen activities.


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, HWB. However, as a guide:

  • A pass a the previous NQ level. i.e. for National 5, a pass at National 4. or

  • A recommendation on completion of BGE S3 Performance PE

*Entry available with no experience on discussion with Principal Teacher, Faculty.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


Pupils may wish to progress on to one of the following opportunities in S5/6: National 5, Higher Physical Education or Sports Development NPA


  • Fitness Instructor

  • Leisure Industry

  • Outdoor Activities Instructor

  • PE Teacher

  • Physiotherapist

  • Sports Coach

  • Sports and Exercise Scientist

  • Sports and Exercise Psychologist

  • Sports Development Officer

Learner Experiences

I have enjoyed being able to play a range of sports and develop my skills in each one. It has been good getting to choose which sport to complete our portfolio on as it has made the written part easier to understand as it’s based on a sport you enjoy.

I have a developed a range of physical skills while getting to experience different sports I would never have done if I hadn’t taken PE this year. I have developed my ability to monitor, record and evaluate my development as well as how to develop approaches to improve my performance.

I would recommend National 5 PE to others as it’s a good way to develop your self confidence and mental well being as well as trust for others. It’s a good way to keep active and develop your ability to improve your own performance.

Having 3 practical's a week would be one of my highlights as it allows me to develop new skills and sports outside of football, I have also enjoyed being able to look into different factors in depth during our theory lessons as it helps massively with my inner understanding and, offers something different compared to S1-3 PE.

So far, I have developed a range of skills both practically and theoretically. I have been able to develop my ability for different sports outside of football, meaning, in the future I don't need to rely on only playing one sport. Along with this, i now have a clear understanding of how to reach my full potential in these sports which means I can identify my strengths and weaknesses and how to work upon them independently.