Higher English 


1 Year / 240 Hours


RUAE Paper  30% CR Paper 40%


Portfolio writing 30%


No Cost

What will you learn?

Pupils will continue to study a range of literature: plays, novels, poetry and short stories including Scottish texts. They will also study various media texts including film and a variety of non-fiction texts. As well as reading and studying the writing of other people, pupils will also be able to create their own writing in a variety of forms and genre. 

Performance: Spoken Language; Portfolio Writing; Critical Reading & Reading for understanding analysis and evaluation.  

Why do this course?

Studying Higher English will provide you with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening, talking, reading and writing in order to understand and use language. As you develop your literacy skills, you will be able to process information more easily, apply knowledge of the language in practical and relevant contexts, and gain the confidence to undertake new and more challenging tasks in a variety of situations. 

What will you experience?

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as thinking skills, direct teaching, paired and/or group work. Work in class is supported through the use of work guides, ICT and other digital media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own as well as others progress. Pupils are expected to become increasingly responsible for their own learning. 

Key Facts 

Everything you need to know before selecting this course 


Homework enhances and is complementary to classroom teaching and learning and will include the following, with pupils becoming increasingly more independent in their home studying as they progress through National Qualifications:


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, English.  However, as a guide: 


Knowledge and skills will be assessed in different ways, depending on the topic being studied. This will include project work and assessed work/homework. Pupils will use assessment feedback to set achievable short term targets.

Higher English will include a performance – spoken language, internally assessed on an achieved/not achieved basis. This course also includes an end of year exam (which will be graded A-D) and a writing folio both of which will be externally assessed by the SQA.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course 


S5 – N4, N5 or Higher 

S6 – N5, Higher or Advanced Higher 


English is regarded as a core skill for many career options.  In particular: engineering, sports coaching, web developing, media, journalism, publishing, teaching, advertising, marketing, PR, civil service, medicine, designing, government, policing,  law, business, accounting, finance, tourism, events management,  social work,  youth work, probation work, human resources, retail, banking, therapy, psychology, theatre arts, armed forces, freelance writing…

Learner Experiences