National 5 Media Studies


1 Year / 160 Hours


None. Class assessments to track progress.


Analysis Paper 50% 

Media Production 50%


No Cost

What will you learn?

Pupils will learn to analyse a range of media texts including film, advertising, magazine content and even YouTube channels. They will also learn how to plan and produce media content of their own choosing which could be a short film, an advertising campaign or any other media genre.

Why do this course?

Pupils will develop a deep understanding of media techniques and language as well as the impact of societal and political agendas on media produced. Pupils will be given the opportunity to:

What will you experience?

National 5 Media Studies pupils are expected to have the opportunity to:

To support this: expectations of the learners will be made clear, success criteria will be shared, and feedback will be timely and learner-driven. 

Key Facts 

Everything you need to know before selecting this course 


Pupils will be teacher, peer and self-assessed throughout the course so they continually understand their own progress within the different elements of the course. They will be encouraged to examine and reflect on their own progress and that of their peers using our assessment tools which identify an individuals strengths and achievements as well as targets and next steps for improvement. Reports on attainment, effort and progress of pupils will be issued to parents during the session.

National 5 Media Studies pupils will sit two final assessments which will be assessed by the SQA. One is an exam paper is on media analysis and the other is their media production piece.


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, English.  However, as a guide:


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, this will be available on Teams. Activities set may include independent media research, preparation for assessment or presentation. 

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course 


Following achievement in National 5 Media Studies pupils may progress on to Higher Media Studies in S5 or S6, or they may choose to undertake the Foundation Apprenticeship Creative and Digital Media.


Media Studies is regarded as an important qualification for progression and entry into a multitude of media-based industries including: film and television production, advertising, computer gaming, online services...

Learner Experiences