N3/4/5 English


1 Year / 160 Hours


N3/4: None

N5: RUAE Paper 30% CR Paper 40%


N3/4: Unit Assessments

N5: Portfolio writing 30%


N3/4: No Cost

N5: No Cost

What will you learn?

Pupils will continue to study a range of texts: plays, novels, poetry, media and short stories, including Scottish texts and a variety of non-fiction texts. As well as reading and studying the writing of other people, pupils will also create their own writing and talking pieces in a variety of forms and genres.

Why do this course?

Pupils will develop a balance of skills through reading, writing, talking and listening. Pupils will be given the opportunity to:

  • Engage with and create a wide range of texts in different media and develop an appreciation of the richness and breadth of Scotland’s literary and linguistic heritage

  • Develop an understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about their own and other cultures and languages

  • With a positive attitude, taking increasing ownership of and responsibility for their own learning.

  • Develop skills in understanding and analysing language across a range of texts

  • Extend and enrich their vocabulary through listening, talking, watching and reading

  • Reflect on their learning and use this to guide their next steps

What will you experience?

Throughout National 3, 4 and 5 pupils are expected to have the opportunity to:

  • Develop skills across reading, writing, talking and listening

  • Widen their analytical skills

  • Work both independently and collaboratively

  • Engage in peer and self-assessment

  • Complete homework which supports their learning

To support this: expectations of the learners will be made clear, success criteria will be shared, and feedback will be timely and learner-driven.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course


Across all courses, pupils will be assessed throughout the year based on the specifics of their qualification. Pupils will be encouraged to examine and reflect on their own progress and that of their peers using our assessment tools which identify an individual's strengths and achievements as well as targets and next steps for improvement. Reports on the attainment, effort and progress of pupils will be issued to parents during the session.

National 3 and 4 pupils will be expected to complete unit assessments throughout the year which assess their abilities in reading, writing, talking and listening as required by their qualification. National 4 pupils will also complete an Added Value Unit, an extended writing piece which compares two texts.

National 5 pupils will complete a folio of two written pieces prior to their final assessment, which will be assessed by the SQA and will sit a final exam at the end of the year, assessing content covered in class. To support this, pupils will be continuously assessed on exam elements throughout the year and will complete a short talk assessment which is teacher assessed.


Entry is at the discretion of the Principal Teacher Faculty, English. However, as a guide:

  • A pass a the previous NQ level. i.e. for National 5, a pass at National 4.

  • A recommendation on completion of BGE S3 Course


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis, this will be available on TEAMs. Activities set may include practice of a practical skill, preparation for assessment or research for an assignment.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


As they move into fifth year pupils will be able to follow the National 4, 5 or Higher English courses and in S6 pupils will be able to follow National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher English courses.


English is regarded as a core skill for many career options. In particular: engineering, sports coaching, web developing, media, journalism, publishing, teaching, advertising, marketing, PR, civil service, medicine, designing, government, policing, law, business, accounting, finance, tourism, events management, social work, youth work, probation work, human resources, retail, banking, therapy, psychology, theatre arts, armed forces, freelance writing…

Learner Experiences

National 4

Through National 4 I feel I made progress in my reading and writing skills. I enjoyed everything we covered and I liked learning about other people and places.