S3 BGE Science

Why do this course?

The course will provide pupils with the opportunity to develop the key skills of scientific inquiry and investigation which are integrated throughout the course. These skills include selecting, interpreting/evaluating and presenting appropriate information, use of calculations, demonstrating and applying scientific knowledge to solve problems. There will be opportunities to use and develop skills in ICT.

What will you experience?

A wide range of learning and teaching strategies are used with classes, such as developing critical thinking skills, direct teaching, outdoor learning, paired and/or group work. Work in class is supported through the use of notes, ICT and other digital media. Practical experiences will be used to demonstrate aspects of the course and provide examples of topical science. Pupils will be involved evaluating their own and others progress. Pupils are expected to take responsibility for their learning.

What will you learn?

The aim of this course is to provide pupils with a broad experience of Science, providing coverage of appropriate Level 3 and 4 experiences and outcomes. The four units studied are:

1. Health Human body, fitness, technology, health

2. Energy Energy sources, electricity generation, uses and conservation of energy

3. Environment Ecosystems, biodiversity, surveying, pollution

4. Materials Introduction to Chemistry - Metals, plastics, new materials and their uses

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course


Homework will be set by the class teacher on a regular basis and may involve practice of skills, preparation for assessments or research assignments.


Knowledge and skills will be assessed in different ways, depending on the topic being studied. This will include experimental and investigation work, project work, classroom tests, and assessed work/homework. Pupils will undertake peer evaluation of classwork and use assessment to set achievable short-term targets.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


S4 – National 3/4 Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Environmental Science

S5 – National 4/5 Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Environmental Science

S6 – National 4/5/H Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Environmental Science

S4/5/6 - NPA Level 4 Science and Health


This course would give a general background in Science suitable for a job in

  • Healthcare

  • Construction

  • Hairdressing/ Beauty therapy

  • Food production

  • Agriculture

Learner Experiences