S3 BGE Drama

Why do this course?

The course will provide pupils with the opportunity to work with others in a positive productive way, develop communications skills and improve confidence in presenting and performing. Pupils will use a range of ICT skills during the course. The course will also support pupils in developing skills for life, learning and work such as literacy and numeracy.

What will you experience?

The course is taught through workshop situations, using pairs, groups and whole class work. Theory is taught through practical sessions and class work. Work in class is supported through the use of study guides, ICT and other digital media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own contribution and others. They will be expected to keep a log of drama activities.

What will you learn?

The aim of this course is to provide pupils with a broad experience of Drama, providing coverage of the Level 3 and 4 experiences and outcomes. The two units we will study are:

Drama Skills

In this unit the learner will:

  • Use a variety of stimuli to create/devise drama.

  • Explore relationships through language, movement and workshop activities.

  • Present work to an audience.

Production Skills

In this unit the learner will:

  • Explore and develop a detailed knowledge of the theatre production team ie. Acting, set design, props, costume, lighting, sound and makeup.

  • Use the theatre arts technology above to enhance tension, mood and atmosphere in presenting drama.

Key Facts

Everything you need to know before selecting this course

Pupils should be aware that they will have to present their work to an audience.


Research/on-line learning associated with individual roles assigned in each unit of work.

Homework worksheets and tasks contain a range of exercises designed to develop knowledge and understanding of drama concepts and terminology.


Assessment will include use of checklists, a folio of work including the log book, recording of presentations, peer assessment, worksheets and written and oral evaluations.

Progression and Employment

Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


  • S4 – National 3,4 and 5

  • S5 – National 4, 5 and Higher

  • S6 – Higher and Advanced Higher


This course is suitable for all learners who are interested in becoming a:    

Learner Experiences